Friday, December 11, 2009

It's not over yet.

A few days back I wrote a blog post about all the things I have managed to achieve this year. But what I am forgetting is, the year is not over yet. So while I'm all geared up for 2010 there are things I still need to achieve before 2009 ends. So here's the list:

  • Lose weight! I've eaten like a pig during the IV. Consequences- potatoness! Game Plan: Stay away from the dark brown pieces of heaven and learn to rise before 10 am, so I can go for a walk.
  • Grow my hair. Well yes I know hair grows on it's own, but this is to remind myself to nourish my hair with almond oil and eat the right kind of food.
  • Stop living in Rewind or Fast Forward mode. I feel like I've been holding on to the past and it's perfect moments for too long now. And when I'm not doing that I keep thinking about how perfect my future is going to be. In the bargain I forget to live in the Present. And the truth is, the Present is what matters the most.
  • Do my projects really well. I want awesome marks this Semester!
  • Read a couple of good books.
  • Update my Blog regularly! Very, Very realisable goal. :)
Well that's all for now. Good bye and Bisous <3


Nahla said...

good luck :)
i wanna do the same really

sulagna said...

targets....LOL m xcited for yout oo cuz i belive once you get to date a guy we hsall have some more fun writeups to read..and ohhh the weight loss!!!

you are speaking to someone who has a treadmill at home collecting dust and used to dry the towels!

Shreya. said...

never make a to-do list....NEVER works :/

Goddess of Nonsense said...

@ Sulagna: OMG! The cycle in my house is used for the same thing :)

@ shreya : Dont discourage me! Dont :P

el_idioto said...

# Get a guy. Like seriously! A lot people say that being single is so much fun because it means being free. But I've been free for so long that I really want to be tied down to someone I really care about.

# Do my projects really well. I want awesome marks this Semester!

very contrasting goals... i've never heard someone get the best of both...

but there's always time for firsts.. all da bestest.. said...

Somehow landed on this post and found out that u have scribbled down ur resolutions for 2009..normally ppl tend to forget all such resolutions by the time the next one is in line..