Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The box.


In a box
Full of your memories.

In the deep recesses
Of the attic,
They lie with the sundries.

Then why do I feel
So emotionally insane?

If I throw away
The little boxes,
Will the memories remain?


quartertoinsane said...

throwing doesnt help... burn it, use sandle wood oil and it'll smell nice too...

Thousif Raza said...

good one... but throwing away the box... well memories good or bad are always better to keep... :)

take care and keep writing...........

Thousif Raza said...

good one... but throwing away the box... well memories good or bad are always better to keep... :)

take care and keep writing...........

Suruchi said...

Wow...very profound expressions there written so simply n sincerely!
A little ball of all that love’s about:-)
P.S. I looooooooooUve ur introduction under the dp of the Goddess of Nonsense...bowing to you My Highness:-)

Jack said...

G o N,

Visiting after long time for reasons you can see in my space. Read current posts. Will try to catch up with rest pending ones later as I have a lot to read. Both poems show very clearly how one may feel after break up.

Take care

Anonymous said...

what the hell???

I love the changes in the blog Miss Goddess of Non-sense...!!

And the poem is amazing....!!!

have a great day!!! :)

Goddess of Nonsense said...

@Nads: Yaaaaaaay! I'm glad you think so =)

@Jack: I will catch up as soon as possible =)

@Suruchi: Haha! You made my daaay =)

@Thousif: I'll take your word on that.

@Quarter: yes yes! Or Lavender.